As an organisation, we are only as strong as the sum of our parts. In recognition of this, we extend our enormous gratitude to all of you who have chosen to support our endeavour to improve the quality of life of those children with CP and their families currently living in rural areas. Our impact is made possible only through the generous backing of our donors, supporters, external fundraisers and volunteers. As part of our extended Malamulele Onward family, your support and actions make us a rich and unique organisation that continually strives towards achieving excellence in rural communities.

Ilse Moore
Thank you to Ilse Moore (photographer) for donating the time in her busy schedule to spend a day with us photographing what goes on in the Malamulele Onward world. Her photographs are truly beautiful and accurately convey the work we do.

Sophie Smith
Thank you to Sophie Smith (photographer) for daringly joining us on outreach to photograph our work in rural areas – even through her terrible morning sickness and with no financial gain. Her photographs accurately capture the essence of CP being a way of life and the potential we see becoming a reality.

Coenraad Sutton (Unknown)
Thank you to Coenraad Sutton and his team at Unknown for creating the design and concept of this website – a product that we could never have dreamed of ourselves. Your generous donation has made a high quality design possible and has allowed us to convey our work in a way that is both beautiful and unique.

Björn Potgieter (Black Alsatian)
Thank you Björn Potgieter for the miracles you have performed in order to make this website happen and look the way we hoped. Without your generous limits in cost it would not have been possible. As a result of your generosity and patience building our website, we can now show the world the impact made by Malamulele Onward.
A special word for our partner donors
Malamulele Onward would cease to exist if it were not for the support of our financial donors. We are incredibly privileged to have patrons who believe in the work we do and the impact we achieve. To these donors, we extend a deep and sincere thank you. Funding for complete projects, as well as multi-year funding, allows us to plan and execute our programmes successfully and ensures that we are able to continually adapt to the challenges presented by working within a rural environment. Thank you for demonstrating your belief in us through your continued financial backing and the legacy it leaves in our ogranisation.